20x4 2004 LCD Display Module with IIC/I2C/TWI Serial Interface Adapter
Model: 4677
Features: Display: 4 lines x 20 characters for clear and comprehensive information presentatio..
AM2320 Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor I2C and one wire bus for Arduino
Model: 3241
High Accuracy I2C MAX30105 Particle Optical Sensor Photodetectors Board Module Smoke Detection Flame Module 1.8V
Model: 6168
Features: Module Supply Voltage: Operates at a DC 5V supply, ensuring compatibility with a wid..
I2C Logic Level Shifter Bi-Directional Four-way two-way logic level transformation module
Model: 0999
MCP23017 - MCP2317 I2C Serial Interface 16 Bit I/O Expander Serial Interface Module
Model: 3763
MCU 219 INA219 I2C Bidirectional Current Sensor Module
Model: 4707
The MCU 219 INA219 I2C Bidirectional Current Sensor Module is a compact and versatile sensor module ..